Diet Another Day...I Wish!

ā€œIā€™m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.ā€ ā€” Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Watch out for Sneaky Summertime Snacks!

It's summer, the kids are out of school and at home and you're stuck with more snacks in the pantry than usual. Don't let snacks be your weight loss pitfall! Here are some helpful tips to consider next time to have a snack craving.

Plan your snacks ahead of time, have some 100-calorie snacks on hand. Some to consider are:

1.5 cups of grapes;
2 plums;
1/2 cup of sherbet;
1 oz of cheese;
a single serving box of cereal;
1/2 cup of berries;
a fat-free cookie;
3 cups of air-popped popcorn

Avoid munching during the day. Plan your eating times, including snacks and sit down meals.
Don't splurge. If you have a sweet tooth, satisfy your craving with a bite-sized piece of candy, like a chocolate kiss or a piece of hard candy. Also, if you freeze the chocolate first, it'll melt in your mouth more slowly.

Keep high-calorie snacks like cookies and chips tucked away in an inconvenient place at home and at work. Keep your favorite foods and vegetables washed and ready to eat.

Keep these tips in mind and keep those high calorie snacks to a minimum.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Are You Still Hungry?

Do you ever eat a meal and shortly after still feel the need or the want to eat? Even when you shouldn't be hungry, do you feel unfulfilled and want more? Here are some tips on avoiding and/or overcoming your hunger cravings.
  • Make sure you space your meals into 5-6 meals a day
  • Plan your menu ahead of time
  • Drink a glass of water; sometimes you feel hungry when your body is a little dehydrated. Wait 20 minutes after drinking a glass of water to see if you are still hungry.
  • Weigh and measure all your foods to ensure you're eating the correct portion size
  • Make sure to eat all your food
  • Eating a salad to start your meals off will make you feel fuller sooner
  • Find a hobby to keep yourself busy and your mind off food
  • Chew sugar-free gum
  • Use fruits and vegetables as snacks
  • Take a walk
  • Talk with a friend on the phone
  • Read a book or magazine
  • Make sure you record when, where and how you feel when you are hungry in your diary