Diet Another Day...I Wish!

ā€œIā€™m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.ā€ ā€” Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hooray for H2O!

Do you have a positive perspective on drinking water? Is drinking water too boring for you? If you feel like you can't possibly drink the recommended daily intake of water you need, you're not only missing out on some excellent health benefits, you are also missing out on a great way to speed up your weight loss!

When you drink 6 to 8 glasses of water every day:
  • You are guaranteeing that your digestion and metabolism are working at full capacity. This requires water.
  • You can control "artificial hunger" and suppress your appetite
  • Your workout performance improves
  • As you add muscle and lose fat, your body actually requires more water
  • You will see a difference in your complexion
  • Liven up your water by adding a wedge or two of lemon or lime to your glass. Oranges, peaches, strawberries and cherries are also good. Get creative, and add any type of fruit you fancy.

Keep cold water in the refrigerator, buy bottled water at convenience stores instead of your usual 20 ounce soft drink, ask for water when you dine out (this also saves $$$), and keep a water bottle on your desk at work. You can sip from it throughout the day and easily reach the halfway point of your desired intake.

As with any new habit, it is important to start out slowly and give yourself time to adjust to the changes that you are making to your lifestyle. Start with 1/2 your desired goal and then start working your way up.


Friday, April 07, 2006

Nothing tastes as good as feeling thin!

If you think you're going to cave and eat that whole box of cookies, just remember how you will feel afterwards. Guilty, sad, angry? Does it feel as good as you thought? Was it worth it? Of course not. It will just set you back on the yo-yo rollercoaster which is really hard to get off. If you really must, just have one - not the whole box!