Muscles and Metabolism
Another Great Reason to Exercise: Muscles and Metabolism
Many people blame their weight problem or slow weight loss on a slow metabolism. But a person's metabolism may not be as sluggish as they think.
Metabolism is how many calories it takes to maintain your body's basic functions in a resting state. The typical daily metabolic rate for a 130-pound woman 25 to 30 years old is 1,365 calories, and for a 180-pound man the same age, it's 1,930 calories. A number of factors affect the rate at which your metabolism burns calories, including body size, race, menstruation, genetics and lifestyle.
However, one factor is unchanging: when it comes to metabolism, it pays to build muscle. Fat is designed to be stored and therefore requires few calories to be maintained. But muscle burns calories continually, so the more you have, the more calories you metabolize. This is just another great benefit of exercise. If you work off 200 calories lifting weights at the gym, you expend an extra 30 calories afterward as your body recovers.
Many people blame their weight problem or slow weight loss on a slow metabolism. But a person's metabolism may not be as sluggish as they think.
Metabolism is how many calories it takes to maintain your body's basic functions in a resting state. The typical daily metabolic rate for a 130-pound woman 25 to 30 years old is 1,365 calories, and for a 180-pound man the same age, it's 1,930 calories. A number of factors affect the rate at which your metabolism burns calories, including body size, race, menstruation, genetics and lifestyle.
However, one factor is unchanging: when it comes to metabolism, it pays to build muscle. Fat is designed to be stored and therefore requires few calories to be maintained. But muscle burns calories continually, so the more you have, the more calories you metabolize. This is just another great benefit of exercise. If you work off 200 calories lifting weights at the gym, you expend an extra 30 calories afterward as your body recovers.
Labels: Weight Loss