5 Tips to Maintaining Healthy Weight Loss
Take A Stroll. Just an extra 20 minutes of physical activity every day, or an additional 2,000 steps, is all we need to avoid weight gain. Measure your activity with a pedometer clipped to your belt. Everything from walking to your car to walking the dog counts.
Eat Your Fruit. Apples, for example, contain 15 percent of our recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Fruits rich in vitamin C not only contribute to our overall health, as antioxidants, they have recently been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and even cancer. Make sure you get in all your recommended servings (or more) of fruit.
Watch Out For Trans Fat. Trans fats have been shown to raise total cholesterol and LDL, which are the "bad" cholesterol levels. Trans fats have also been shown to lower the more beneficial HDL cholesterol. And as if that’s not bad enough, trans fats may also inhibit the absorption of healthy fats that are necessary for the growth and functioning of vital organs. Read the label and watch out for trans fats.
Moderate Your Alcohol Intake. Alcohol is loaded with empty calories that tend to increase your appetite and increase dehydration. In addition, drinking can also increase your risk of high blood pressure, stroke and breast cancer.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For A Doggie Bag. Portion sizes in most restaurants are much larger than necessary, but so many people just feel the need to clean their plates. Don’t be embarrassed to ask your waiter for a doggie bag. That way you can pack up half your entrée to enjoy the next day.
Eat Your Fruit. Apples, for example, contain 15 percent of our recommended daily intake of vitamin C. Fruits rich in vitamin C not only contribute to our overall health, as antioxidants, they have recently been shown to decrease the risk of heart disease and even cancer. Make sure you get in all your recommended servings (or more) of fruit.
Watch Out For Trans Fat. Trans fats have been shown to raise total cholesterol and LDL, which are the "bad" cholesterol levels. Trans fats have also been shown to lower the more beneficial HDL cholesterol. And as if that’s not bad enough, trans fats may also inhibit the absorption of healthy fats that are necessary for the growth and functioning of vital organs. Read the label and watch out for trans fats.
Moderate Your Alcohol Intake. Alcohol is loaded with empty calories that tend to increase your appetite and increase dehydration. In addition, drinking can also increase your risk of high blood pressure, stroke and breast cancer.
Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For A Doggie Bag. Portion sizes in most restaurants are much larger than necessary, but so many people just feel the need to clean their plates. Don’t be embarrassed to ask your waiter for a doggie bag. That way you can pack up half your entrée to enjoy the next day.
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