Diet Another Day...I Wish!

“I’m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.” — Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada

Tuesday, November 09, 2004


You can do it your way!

You can succeed without using advertised diet programs, special foods, supplements or drugs. 25% of the people lose 10% or more of the original weight and kept it off for at least one year. 13% of all surveyed dieters keep at least 10% of their original weigh off for 5 years or more.

What most people did to successfully maintain their weigh loss for at least a year:

• Over 80% Exercised at least 3 times a week. E.g. walking or jogging
• More than 70% of the people increased physical activity in their daily routine (parking their car further away).
• About 70% reduced the amount of food consumed per meal.
• Near 70 % eat fewer fatty foods.
• Close to 70% eat less sweets and junk food.
• Over 65% eat more fruits and vegetables.
• More than 63% stop snacking between meals.
• Above 60% drink less alcoholic drinks.
• About 60% eat more frequent, smaller meals.