Your Waistline Will Thank You
Aging is 70-percent lifestyle. To stay young, eat right, exercise regularly, and keep a positive attitude. ~ Denise Austin
Day 2 of my diet went much better than the first day. I adjusted my portions size and didn't feel as hungry as I did on Monday. Today is going pretty good, too.
Fitness Tip
Bad news for suburb dwellers—living on the fringe may translate to extra pounds! In a recent study, researchers compared city dwellers to suburbanites in order to see who was healthiest. To their surprise, they found that those living in the burbs weighed more and exercised less. The reason? Experts speculated that because suburban communities are so spread out, people were more likely to drive to the store and other locations than walk. They also found that long commutes to work and back created a time crunch, replacing time for fitness with time spent in the car.
But don't worry—you don't have to pack up and move! Instead, fight the trend by picking up on the habits of urbanites—pound the pavement whenever possible instead of firing up the engine, and make time in your busy day for a workout. Your waistline will thank you!
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