Diet Another Day...I Wish!

“I’m just one stomach flu away from my goal weight.” — Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Exercise Benefits You Cannot See in the Mirror

A few weeks ago I had started a new exercise routine...actually...I just added walking everyday to my existing one. I am eager to see results but they are slow in appearing. I just have to stick with it and keep the following tip in mind.

Everyone who starts a fitness program is eager to see results – on the scale, in a favorite outfit, in the mirror. But keep a lookout for benefits that may not be immediately visible. By sticking with an exercise plan, you’ll not only look better; you’ll FEEL better in several ways:

- More energy
- More self-confidence
- Less stress
- Better sleep

And the best part of this all: These less visible benefits ultimately do make you look better too.