60-Second Energy Boosters
It's 4 p.m., and you're wondering how you're going to muster enough get-up-and-go to finish the day. The next time you start crashing, try one of these tips from four of the nation's top spas. Slather yourself with citrus scents. They're said to enhance energy and boost mood, so look for products infused with lemon, lime, or orange essential oils.
Chill Out With Cool Water: Run your hands under cool water for 20 seconds. Then close your eyes and, using the middle finger of each hand, tap each of the following areas five times: between your eyebrows, the tops of your cheekbones, your chin, and the area just under your nose. This stimulates the nerve endings in your face, giving you an all-over pick-me-up.
Step Up to More Energy: Walk or run up two flights of steps (about 20 stairs) twice. Land on every other step on the way up, and hit every step on the way down. It's a great way to get your heart rate and circulation going.
Wash Up to Wake Up: Soak a clean cotton washcloth in water that has been infused with a few drops of lavender or mint, put it in the refrigerator, and let it chill for 10 minutes. Then place the washcloth over your face and breathe deeply.
Feel Like a Million Mints: Brushing your teeth isn't just good for your teeth and gums, it can also pep you up. Keep a toothbrush at the office and brush with a minty toothpaste, followed by a gargle with a minty mouthwash, to stimulate all of your senses
Chill Out With Cool Water: Run your hands under cool water for 20 seconds. Then close your eyes and, using the middle finger of each hand, tap each of the following areas five times: between your eyebrows, the tops of your cheekbones, your chin, and the area just under your nose. This stimulates the nerve endings in your face, giving you an all-over pick-me-up.
Step Up to More Energy: Walk or run up two flights of steps (about 20 stairs) twice. Land on every other step on the way up, and hit every step on the way down. It's a great way to get your heart rate and circulation going.
Wash Up to Wake Up: Soak a clean cotton washcloth in water that has been infused with a few drops of lavender or mint, put it in the refrigerator, and let it chill for 10 minutes. Then place the washcloth over your face and breathe deeply.
Feel Like a Million Mints: Brushing your teeth isn't just good for your teeth and gums, it can also pep you up. Keep a toothbrush at the office and brush with a minty toothpaste, followed by a gargle with a minty mouthwash, to stimulate all of your senses
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